Sunday, September 03, 2006

Product Review: Russell Brunson's LinkBrander

Here's a (free) traffic generating tool that I can recommend without hesitation. Not only is it free to use, but LinkBrander does also a great job shortening long URL's. Even if you had to shell out money it would be well worth it.

The first thing I did after downloading LinkBrander was convert all my long affiliate links into short links. Before doing this all my links looked something like:

Not only did I feel this type of link looked unprofessional but I never liked having my affiliate I.D. so exposed. It's just an open invitation for commission stealing.Now all my links look something like this:

Definitely more cool. And notice my affiliate I.D. is no longer exposed. But that is just one of the many benefits. In return, LinkBrander places a small ad with a link inside, sitting on the bottom or top of my web page.

It is noticeable, yes, but unobtrusive and it certainly does not interfere with the rest of my page. I don't mind this at all, particularly because I know that every time someone clicks on my site and an ad like that appears, I'm earning advertising credits.

In return for providing that small bit of virtual real estate, I receive the same courtesy from other LinkBrander members.

Since I joined LinkBrander, I have encouraged many business friends and subscribers to also sign up for an account,and as a result, I have multiplied my advertising credits seriously.

Right now, my ad link is appearing thousand of times on different LinkBrander member web sites all over the Internet. The traffic I am receiving as a result of this exposure I don't have to pay for... and it involves no hassles on my part... and my new visitors probably would not have found me any other way.

I can't imagine why any serious marketer would hesitate to download this software.

It costs nothing. It is easy to use. And the software provides a ton of benefits. It is number one on my recommendation list. Check it out for yourself:

And soon your link may be on my web site ;-)

1 comment: said...

great blog .. so how did it get to me ? where in the world do blogs go? I have asked this question in a blog but no answer. is there like a place for blogs where they meet up and decide where to go.. who sees these and how . I liked yours lot's of stuff to look at.. how did you know to do it in the first place